Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Circle Creation Options



Center and Radius

Lets you create a circle by defining the circle center, radius, and the support that the circle will lie on.


If the support is a plane, then CATIA creates the circle on the picked plane. If the support is a surface, then the circle will lie on a plane tangent to the surface at the circle center.



Center and Point

Enables you to create a circle by defining the circle center, a point that the circle passes through, and the support that the circle will lie on.


If the support is a plane, CATIA creates the circle on the picked plane. If the support is a surface, then the circle will lie on a plane tangent to the surface at the circle center.


Two Points and Radius

Lets you create a circle by defining two points that the circle passes through, the radius and the support that the circle will lie on.


If the support is a plane, CATIA creates the circle on the picked plane. If the support is a surface, then the circle will lie on a plane tangent to the first point picked.


Three Points

Allows you to create a circle by defining three points that the circle passes through.



Bitangent and Radius

Lets you create a circle by defining two elements that the circle is tangent to, a radius, and a support.

clip_image007[4] clip_image008[4]


Bitangent and Point

Enables you to create a bitangent circle through a point, by defining two elements that the circle is tangent to, a point that is on the second element, and a support.

clip_image009[4] clip_image010[4]



Lets you create a circle by defining three elements that the circle is tangent to.

clip_image011[4] clip_image012[4]


Center and Tangent

Lets you create a circle by defining the center point and the arc the circle is tangent to. clip_image013[6]clip_image013[7]

clip_image014[4] clip_image015[4]



Defines the plane that CATIA creates the circle on. If the support is a surface, CATIA creates the circle on a plane tangent to the surface. A different tangent plane is created depending on which circle type is used.


Geometry on Support

Projects the circle normal to the support surface. This option is not available for all circle types. The following figure shows a Three Point Circle with Geometry on support deactivated and activated. When deactivated, CATIA creates the circle through the three points. When activated, CATIA projects the circle onto the support surface.



Axis Computation

Adds an axis to the circle when you create it, and opens the Axis Direction box, allowing you to specify the direction of the axis using the circle's normal or a reference direction.



Next Solution

Cycles through possible solutions for the circle creation. You can also pick the solution required in the Graphics window.



Circle Limitations

Defines whether an arc or full circle is created and at what angle the arc is created between.

clip_image019[4] clip_image020[4]

Part Arc
Creates an arc.

Whole Circle
Creates a full circle

Trimmed Circle
Creates an arc between the defined points.

Complementary Circle
Reverses the arc geometry.

Defines the start angle of the arc.

Defines the end angle of the arc.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I change a circle from one type to another?
    A:  Yes, edit the circle definition, select a new option type, and specify the circle definitions.


If a point or plane doesn't exist, you can right-click on the point or plane box to display the pop-up menu and then create the required geometry

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, I don't know if there is still someone behind
I was expecting more from your post. For example, filling fields with name of selection matching with info on drawings (instead of no selection)
thank you anyway