Point Creation Repetition
Path: Insert | Advanced Replication Tools | Points and Planes Repetition
Located in a fly-out on the Wireframe toolbar.
Use this to ...
- Create multiple points and planes along a curve.
- You should be in the Generative Shape Design workbench.
Process: Creating Points Along a Curve Using Instances
1. Select Insert | Advanced Replication Tools | Points and Planes Repetition. The Points & Planes Repetition dialog displays.
2. In the Graphics window, pick the curve on which to create the point.
3. In the Instance(s) text box, enter a number.
4. Click OK to create the equally spaced points.
Process: Creating Points Along a Curve Using Instances and Spacing
1. Select Insert | Advanced Replication Tools | Points and Planes Repetition. The Points & Planes Repetition dialog displays.
5. In the Instance(s) text box, enter a number.
6. In the Spacing text box, enter a value.
7. Click OK to create the equally spaced points
Defines how the points are created and with what spacing. The options are Instances and Instances and spacing.
Creates a number of equally spaced points along a curve. If you picked a reference point, then this reference point defines where the instances are measured from.
Instances & Spacing
Creates a number of points along a curve over a defined distance. This option is only available if a reference point is picked on the line. This reference point is where the distance is measured from.
Second Point
Defines an area on the curve between which the points are created.
By default, it is at the endpoint of the curve and is only available for the Instances option.
With End Points
Creates two of the points at the endpoints of the curve.
Create Normal Planes Also
Creates planes that are normal to the curve at the creation points.
Create in a New Body
Creates points in a new body when activated.
Reverse Direction
Reverses the direction that the points are created along. Click on the direction arrow in the Graphics window to change direction.
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